Gabe Newell's watching you.

Gaben Is Watching YouGabe Logan Newell (Commonly Referred to as Gaben) is the co-founder and managing director of video game development and online distribution company Valve Corporation. Gabe Newell attended and dropped out of Harvard University; From there Gabe lnaded a job For Microsoft Cooperation. For 13 years Newell climb the Microsoft leader becoming a "Microsoft Millionaire". Gabe then left Microsoft with another Microsoft Employee to form Valve in 1996. Together they used their money to fund Valve through the soon to be iconic game Half-Life. During the development of Half-Life 2 Gabe Focused a lot on the Steam Project. which later became the go-to game store for PC. Gabe Newell is now an internet star. A video was released providing Gabes contact details, which due to pronunciation sparked hundreds of hilarious "gaben memes". Gaben is a hero to the PC community and has thousands of fans. Gabe has been appraised for very attractive prices on steam and the hit game series Half-Life. Gabe Is also very well known for not being able to count to the number 3. Thats enough nonsense! Head over to the Gabe Newell Meme section and check it out. As always, Gabe Newell's watching you.

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